Episode 4: Defined by Love in the Everyday

What truly defines you - love, power, ambition? What is the human narrative? Is it fueled by hate or mercy? What is the purpose of women? Do you approach your life as one of love and service? How does your home become the starting point that channels change in society?

If you’ve pondered these questions, particularly in light of in today’s culture, you are not alone. Come listen to a definitive and concise primer on the roots of the woke movement by Noelle Mering, Theology of Home website editor, author of numerous articles, and co-author of Theology of Home I and Theology of Home II.

Learn how to lean on the truth of the proposition that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. Ready to be defined by love in the everyday? Let’s dive in!


Episode 5: The True Fashion Fix: Going Beyond Sexy to Finding your Most Beautiful Self


Episode 3: Finding Life’s Joys