Episode 5: The True Fashion Fix: Going Beyond Sexy to Finding your Most Beautiful Self

Have you ever asked yourself if what you’re wearing looks good on you? If you look attractive? If you look sexy? Let’s face it, ladies, we all want to look beautiful! But have you ever tried on an outfit and asked yourself: Do I look beautiful?

It turns out there’s a difference if we ask whether we look good or beautiful. If you want to learn the true fashion fix, one that lasts the test of time regardless of which fashion trend is exploding on social media, listen in to GLH guest Nicole Tittmann, Stylist and Mama of 5 who recently launched her stylist website www.youmadebeatiful.com.

If you want to attract a man who sees you as more than an object, who sees your heart and dignity, who respects you as a woman and daughter of God, this 23 minute conversation was tailor-made for you. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to go beyond sexy to finding your most beautiful self.


Episode 4: Defined by Love in the Everyday